Girls Using Sex Toys

Explore sexually sensitive areas with sex toys

Erogenous zones are areas where sexual arousal occurs when the body is properly stimulated. There are also common sexually sensitive areas such as the clitoris, lips, penis, testicles, neck and nipples. Other areas include the inner thighs, earlobes, wrists, toes, etc. The definition of erogenous zones and appropriate stimuli is unique to each person, so it's worth a try to explore them in a safe space of curiosity and consent.

Sex toys, such as nipple clips, anal beads, vibrators, or toys made of materials or features of different textures, can stimulate various areas that a partner may enjoy being touched. Massage and vibration toys, such as magic sticks and bullet vibrators, can be used in external areas such as the pubic bone, around the pubic hair, neck and other areas.

Couples can use some toys for sensory play on non-genital areas such as the inner thighs, nape of the neck, back of the waist and buttocks. Materials like feathers, whips, toys touched by hand or lubricated massage oil, and silk can all be used for sensual play on sexy belts.

Talk to your partner about sex toys.

Although today's society is more open, tolerant and exploratory about sex, there is still a stigma attached to bringing toys into a couple's sex life. As a group, negative associations like vaginal toys are the equivalent of partners behaving badly. The recipient may have sexual dysfunction or even think that the current sexual vitality is boring or not good enough.

Sex toys can increase the interest of sex, expand the repertoire, provide space for both partners to explore their sensuality and pleasure beyond penetration, and experience intimacy in new ways.

There are a few things to keep in mind when introducing your partner to toys. It is helpful to be prepared to expose the myths and negative connotations associated with toys. Be curious not only about expanding your own sexual experience, but also about your partner's sexual experience. Reaffirm that toys are mutually beneficial and set the tone as "we", not "I". If this is your first time finding and using toys, consider starting small so that at least everyone can move at a comfortable pace.

When embarking on any sexual exploration journey in search of something to feel good about, remember that a brief explanation, agreement, trust and an afterthought report are an integral part of any experience to ensure that all partners feel safe, comfortable and able to be present.


Want to try some new ways to have sex? Instead of anal sex, you can also use sex toys or sex machines!There are varieties of sex machines and toys in our Orgasm Angel Store and must one meet your needs!