Sex Machine Female
Many people think that men are the only ones who ejaculate, but women can actually ejaculate just like men, and it's also known as sex.
Only the expressive form that female tide blows,ejaculate way with the male is not quite identical,have similarity on composition however, nd the fluid that the woman ejects when orgasms is the lubricate fluid of urine,vagina after all,still be the other kind of fluid that urethral discharge?He other kind of fluid that urethral discharge? This article will introduce you to the liquid that may erupt after orgasm, the mysterious place of the legendary female tidal blow!
Tidal blowing study: Tidal blowing fluid comes from the bladder
In a small study, participants were asked to urinate before an orgasm. Ultrasound was used to confirm that the bladder was empty. Women were then subjected to sexual stimulation to reach orgasm. After the climax,the ultrasound showed that the bladder fluid cleared again, making the researchers almost certain that the tidal fluid was coming from the bladder.
There are two kinds of tidal liquids
The researchers then analyzed the composition of the fluid and found that in two of the subjects, the fluid was the same as the urine produced before orgasm. However, the tidal fluid of five other women was found to have low levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), an enzyme produced by men's Prostate glands during ejaculation that helps sperm swim toward the uterus. Obstetrician and gynecologist Samuel Salama explained that women's PSA secretion is mainly from Skene's glands, which are highly correlated with the G-spot and are known as the female prostate gland.
The female ejaculate is a milky liquid
According to Beverly Whipple, a neurophysiologist at Rutgers University in Newark, New Jersey, female ejaculation technically refers to the milky fluid produced during orgasm, Not the clear liquid that gush out when the tide blows. Other scholars also believe that there are two kinds of liquid ejected by tidal blowing. The main composition is the same as urine, so it appears transparent and colorless. Among them, the milky liquid produced by the above women's ejaculation is diluted with urine before being discharged together.
Every woman has the potential to blow
According to one study, about 10 to 54 percent of women have fluid discharge during orgasm. In fact, every woman has a chance if her partner "knows what he's doing."
Which brings us to the "fabulous" G-spot. Why are men so obsessed with women's G-spots, but so elusive?
Stimulating a woman's G-spot is believed to bring her intense pleasure and orgasm, but scientists are still debating whether or not it exists and where it is located. However, stimulating the G-spot is definitely not the only way to make a woman orgasm.
New G-spot - CUV complex towards high tide and tidal blow
Sexologist Emmanuele Jannini and his colleagues think the so-called CUV (CUV) complex -- the clitoris, urethra, and vagina complex -- may be the new battleground beyond the G-spot, This area includes the anterior wall of the vagina, the urethra, the female prostate, and surrounding muscles and tissues, as well as parts of the clitoris.
High tide, tide blowing obstacles
Every woman's body is different, probably would not ejaculation, and some women may even sexual orgasm dysfunction, especially women with vaginal disease, sexual intercourse easily makes them feel pain or uncomfortable, so want to achieve in ejaculation may be negligible, the reason of orgasmic dysfunction may have the following kinds:
- Vaginismus: tight vaginal muscles.
- Vulvodynia: Chronic vulvar pain without cause.
- Vulvar vestibulitis: Severe pain when trying to insert into the vagina, either during sex or with tampons.
- Interstitial cystitis: Bladder pain caused by pelvic floor dysfunction.
- Endometriosis: Endometrial tissue occurs when it is found outside the uterus.
- Pelvic floor dysfunction: Inability to control the Pelvic floor muscles.
Don't be discouraged if you or your partner are in this situation, there are plenty of other places to explore physically.