gay dildo

The strap on the harness is secured around the hips, and the strap on the dildo is secured with an O-ring; The bra strap has an O-ring on the front, and the A is connected to it.

Let's get started!

  • First, bring your dildo to the harness of the O-ring (this is much easier than wearing the harness while doing it)
  • You can wear a belt, such as a thong or underwear.
  • If your suspenders are too tight because they haven't been adjusted properly, loosen them and pull them over your hips and buttocks.
  • Once the straps are loosely attached to your hips, you can adjust them to a comfortable and secure level.
  • Your seat belt should fit like a pair of skinny jeans, and make sure the dildo on your belt is not dented.

How do you feel?

Before using your suspenders and suspenders during sex, you should wear it around the house to make sure it is comfortable; Will it fall or sag?

If so, the band is too loose or the band on the dildo is too heavy. This can easily be remedied by tightening the safety belt.

You look great!

Many people feel uncomfortable wearing braces for the first time, and that's perfectly normal! If you're excited about wearing and using the band, then you should embrace how you look when you wear it.

Try wearing the belt alone and watch yourself put it on in the mirror.

Lube, lube, and lube.

Whatever you do with your watch band, start slow and use plenty of water-based lubricant; This simplifies insertions and deletions and increases the enjoyment of the receiver!