
It's tempting to cuddle after sex in bed or even after falling asleep, but the reality is that your vibrator needs to be cleaned immediately after sex. Not in an hour or two, but as soon as possible.

This may seem a bit harsh, but it's the easiest way to make sure your vibrator stays clean, hygienic, and ready to use.

My professional advice is that when you urinate after sex, take it to the bathroom, because you really should (especially if you have a vagina)! This way, you can save a trip and develop two good habits at the same time.

You've probably also heard that you should clean your vibrator before using it. Yes, in an ideal world, you can give yourself a quick rinse before you start work, which should clear away anything you missed earlier, or anything your vibrator received in the meantime.

However, if you get stuck in this moment, you won't be able to do it every time, so don't panic. If you store your vibrator correctly, you can sometimes skip this step. Scroll down to see the best ways to safely and hygienically store sex toys.

Why clean the vibrator?

If you've ever read anything we have in Orgasm Blog before, then you know that we never miss an opportunity to remind you of such Orgasm toys!

There are several different reasons for this. First of all, taking the time to clean your vibrators, dildos, and other things will only make them more durable! Cleaning slows down the degradation of sex toy materials, allowing them to provide pleasure for many years to come.

The second, less interesting reason is that not cleaning the vibrator can cause some very serious problems. Leaving the vibrator after using it can cause bacteria and viruses to multiply, which can cause a number of problems, including:

  • Bacterial vaginitis
  • Yeast infection
  • Urinary tract infection - especially if you switch between anal and vaginal sex without cleaning
  • Sexually transmitted diseases such as human papillomavirus or herpes

These potential dangers are present in any type of vibrator you use, whether it's a clitoral vibrator, anal vibrator, or anything in between, so it's very important for you to figure out how to clean the vibrator and come up with a good cleaning method for your buzzing friend.

Luckily, we're here to help!

Do you have the correct way to store vibrators?

We have,just click here and you will have a learn about it.